The subtleties that can supercharge your recovery

Exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP) for OCD is all about facing your fears. While that may seem straightforward—face your triggers while not doing either physical or mental compulsions—the process of overcoming OCD is sometimes not as black and white as that sounds. In fact, understanding and addressing the shades of grey in both how the disorder manifests and how we approach and implement ERP can truly help us supercharge our efforts and our recoveries.

I’ve selected the posts for this guide from the more than 100 I’ve written in the past decade because they highlight the most important of these nuances, these spaces between the black and the white that can give you the biggest OCD recovery rewards. I’ve organized the posts into chapters, just like a book (and this one’s free!), to make the topics easier to find.

I hope you’ll bookmark this page and visit it frequently throughout your recovery journey. I also encourage you to turn your own adversity into advocacy and leave a comment for others below about which posts are most helpful for you.

And most importantly, even if your recovery journey hasn’t been straightforward (mine sure wasn’t!), always remember what Dr. Reid Wilson wrote in the Afterword to my memoir, Is Fred in the Refrigerator? Taming OCD and Reclaiming My Life:

“Can you tame OCD? Bet your life on it. That’s why Shala wrote this book.”
And these blog posts!

Chapter 1: New perspectives on OCD

Chapter 2: An overview of ERP

Chapter 3: Why attitude matters

Chapter 4: Managing mental compulsions / rumination

Chapter 5: Motivation

Chapter 6: Avoiding pitfalls that can sabotage your recovery

Chapter 7: Self-compassion

Chapter 8: Living an ERP lifestyle and maintaining your recovery

Chapter 9: The impact of technology on your OCD recovery

Learn more about taming OCD

To learn more about how I use all the ERP tools above in daily life, see Is Fred in the Refrigerator? Taming OCD and Reclaiming My Life.  Click here to purchase your copy.

Sign up for my Shoulders Back! newsletter to receive OCD-taming tips & resources, including notifications of new FredTalks, delivered every month to your inbox.

My blogs are not a replacement for therapy, and I encourage all readers who have obsessive compulsive disorder to find a competent ERP therapist. See the IOCDF treatment provider database for a provider near you. And never give up hope, because you can tame OCD and reclaim your life!