CFS OCD Lending Library
There are so many great books out there for people who suffer from OCD and anxiety. I often recommend to clients that they read sections of various books to help them in their work between sessions. To make it easy for my clients to get started reading right away, I offer a lending library of books that I often recommend. Clients can check out books for a week at a time, and if they like them, they can buy them from the library at any time. I am always adding books to the library, and our current selection of books includes the following:
- Imp of the Mind by Lee Baer, Ph.D. You can also read my Aha! Moment from this book.
- Loving Someone with OCD: Help for You and Your Family by Karen J. Landsman, Ph.D., Kathleen M. Rupertus, MA, MS, and Cherry Pedrick, RN
- Freedom from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Jonathan Grayson, Ph.D. You can also read my Aha! Moment from this book.
- When in Doubt, Make Belief by Jeff Bell. All clients going through ERP therapy for OCD with me receive an autographed copy of this book.
- Rewind, Replay, Repeat: A Memoir of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Jeff Bell.
- Playing with Anxiety: Casey’s Guide for Teens and Kids by Reid Wilson PhD and Lynn Lyons LCSW
- “It’ll be Okay.”: How I Kept Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) from Ruining My Lifeby Shannon Shy
- Daring to Challenge OCD: Overcome Your Fear of Treatment and Take Control of Your Life Using Exposure and Response Prevention by Joan Davidson, PhD